Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Night Market Street Food

One of the tourist attractions in Taiwan has got to be its awesome night markets. Night markets are very common in Taiwan and they are full of cheap goodies and yummy foods!

In this post I will be sharing some of my favorite night market snacks. Let's just let the pictures do the talking!

Here is 大腸包小腸. Literal translation being large sausage covered small sausage. haha I know… The big sausage is made with sticky rice and the small sausage is traditional Taiwanese sausage. The vendor slices the grilled rice sausage into a bun and stuffs pickled cucumbers, Chinese sauerkraut, as well as the Taiwanese sausage inside.

Here we have one of my favorites- 豬血糕 (pork blood rice cake). Oh whatever, I know you are "ewwing", but this is sooo good and it's been one of my favorite snacks since I was a little girl. The vendor covers the cooked pork blood rice cake with a peanut mixture and cilantro. It's chewy and flavorful, you would never know it's actually made with pork blood.

Red bean cake, another one of Taiwanese' favorites. They grill these cakes and fills them with red bean filling, cream custard, or even shredded radish if you don't like sweets. They maybe be small but they are very filling!

Ah, and here is my favorite- 蔥抓餅. They are pretty much scallion pancakes but they make it fluffier and chewier by "clutching" the pancakes with a tong. You can also add an egg, or top your pancake with kim chi, beef, Chinese sauerkraut, or anything you like.

 I like mine plain :)

This is the solution for Taiwan's hot summer nights- Chinese shaved ice. The bowl is covered in shaved ice and tops with your favorite toppings. Here we have tapioca balls, red beans, taro balls, yam balls, and grass jelly. It is so refreshing and can definitely cool you down instantly.

Crepes are pretty big here. Savory or sweet, you can choose anything you like in your crepe.

I got corn and ham. It is HUGE!

Obey your thirst by buying a cup of sugar cane juice. It's refreshing and absolutely 100% fresh. They make it from raw sugar canes right in front of you!

That's all for now. Can't wait to show you more goodies soon!

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